21 Quotes & Sayings By Ian Mckellen

Ian McKellen is an English actor. He is best known for playing Magneto in the X-Men film series and Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. He was also nominated for a Tony Award for his performance in Richard III. Mckellen was born in London, England on 24 May 1939, and studied drama at London's Central School of Speech and Drama Read more

After graduation, he established a career in theatre with the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford-upon-Avon.

I certainly don't disparage someone whose attitude towards their work is utterly different from mine - that's up to them. Ian Mckellen
I have got prostate cancer, and I have to keep monitoring that. It's no problem, it's under control and I'm very cool about it, but other people are dying from it. Ian Mckellen
I'm not quite as cool as I would like to be, really. Ian Mckellen
Godot is whatever it is in life that you are waiting for: 'I'm waiting to win the lottery. I'm waiting to fall in love'. For me, as a child, it was Christmas. At least that eventually came. Ian Mckellen
I'm fortunate to be famous for two rather imposing characters like Magneto and Gandalf. Ian Mckellen
The strength of British theatre should be that these actors in their middle years know what they're doing and are good at it. Not rich, not famous, but making a living. Ian Mckellen
I'd never read 'Lord of the Rings' until I was asked to play Gandalf, so I didn't really know it was a frightfully famous book. Ian Mckellen
When you grumble about a taxi being dirty, people your own age will absolutely agree with you, whereas younger people say, 'You should be so lucky to have a taxi - I walk to work! ' So I have lots of young friends, who fortunately don't treat me as a guru, a person that knows all the answers. Ian Mckellen
I am lucky, I don't have aches and pains. I do Pilates regularly, which is a series of stretching exercises, and I recommend it to anyone of my age because the temptation is not to exercise when you get older. Well, you should. Ian Mckellen
Splendid architecture, the love of your life, an old friend... they can all go drifting by unseen if you're not careful. Ian Mckellen
When we'd suggested doing it, the Theatre Royal management had said, 'Nobody wants to see Waiting for Godot.' As it happened, every single ticket was booked for every single performance, and this confirmation that our judgment was right was sweet. Audiences came to us from all over the world. It was amazing. Ian Mckellen
I have little routines in the theater. Once I've established something, like the order of putting on makeup and a costume, I have to invariably do it in the same order every time, even if I only did it by chance the first time round. Ian Mckellen
Acting is a very personal process. It has to do with expressing your own personality, and discovering the character you're playing through your own experience - so we're all different. Ian Mckellen
The battle going on over gay marriage in America reveals an awful lot. The Bible belt - people hate gay people. Because the Bible tells them? No, the Bible tells them an awful lot of things that they ignore. Ian Mckellen
It's only fair that stable gay relationships of long standing should have the same rights and responsibilities as married couples. I know the image of gay marriage is to some people horrific and ludicrous. Ian Mckellen
What I particularly like about Broadway is the camaraderie and the friendship of other people in other shows. Everybody knows you're opening and cares about you. There's a real village atmosphere. Ian Mckellen
The conventional wisdom is that if you are gay, you cannot play the romantic straight lead in a movie. Ian Mckellen
I'm not someone who wears shades all the time and ducks into a darkened car in case I'm recognized - that would be absolute misery. Ian Mckellen
Even now, there are young actors who want careers as romantic leading men, and the best thing is not to reveal you're gay. Ian Mckellen
The huge difference in my lifetime is that you can just go up to somebody and make a pass. You couldn't do that in the 1950s if you were gay. There were secret handshakes, a secret language. There was nowhere you could go to be romantic outside of people's houses. Ian Mckellen